I'm reading through Facebook this morning and what do I see and bunch of fucking idiots staring back at me. All these rejects crying and bitching about losing their shit because a little storm falsely upgraded to a hurricane went through the Gulf again! Yes again! So one asshole gets flooded lives about fifty feet from a levee that water flowed over ruining his shit. Well you live under the natural sea level protected by a hill of dirt and you go on the news and whine about being wiped out like you didn't see this coming.
Obviously if you live near a river or the ocean and a storm hits your region the big old wind will pick up some water and move it to places it usually doesn't go or has been forced out of so jackasses can build and steal dumb peoples money who just have to have that ocean view or that beautiful riverside house. It's not our fault that stupidity is so prevalent in the US specifically in Mississippi, New Orleans, Louisiana and the like. If you are poor and those are the only places you can afford well get a better job or stop being a fucking lazy douche bag collecting food stamps and welfare. Move yourself and your family to a city or town where you can work a fucking job and make your way.
I see these toothless idiots or overweight moo moo wearing woman with six kids crying on the news and I'm not sorry, I laugh at them and shake my head because they deserve their fate. Stupid is as stupid does and that's such a true statement about the idiots who choose to live in these zones which are impacted like this on a regular basis. When a real disaster strikes like Katrina which was a massive storm that took out places that were to be considered safe zones I have empathy but this little storm was nothing out of the ordinary and I say go fuck yourself and get off TV you asshats!