Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Homeless Gets More & Working Poor Get Anally Rapped One More Time

So our stupid government has dedicated two hundred & fifty million dollars to homeless housing in BC. That's statement is ridiculous lets take twenty percent of this money first and send all the bums on our streets back to their home cities. I don't want to be paying for all the lazy drug addicts from Calgary, Winterpeg, Toronto, Montreal etc that have come here because the weather is better all year round. Next thing I don't believe that supporting these wastes of human space is going to solve anything that has to do with being homeless. You can take a pig out of the pen wash him off but he's still going to roll around in the mud no matter what. Homeless folks are the pigs for those who didn't get it. Yes I'm not your average bleeding heart that wants to fix these people. I'm that guy who would rather put them in a warehouse give them as many drugs as they can do and put them all out their misery.

Drug addicts choose their path into that lifestyle and no matter how horrible your childhood was/is, is no excuse to go down the road of addiction. That is the lazy way out and these people are lazy leeches who suck as much out of the system as possible. When you give a bus ticket to a bum on the street because of some hardship story all your doing is helping them fund their drug addiction. You give them money they keep the game going until they have what they need to get the alcohol or drugs that will keep them happy for the day. You will see one out of a hundred who clean up and get out of that world but that one will be made to look like a fucking superstar for achieving sobriety and rejoining society. Now all the special interest groups can use this face to sell their story to the funding committees around the country and make jobs for themselves. They aren't there to help anyone don't let them fool you councilors love addicts because it pays them a nice salary and keeps them employed. Sure some people do it for the adrenalin rush they're getting from it too. But in the end it is always about money and power.

We have a mayor in Vancouver who thinks if he pulls this crap off that the citizens will vote him back into power. Then the assclown of a Premier will be all over this to try to make himself less covered in shit but again I don't see it actually helping. Why are the scum of society robbing the rest of it from getting the share they have worked hard for? It's not ok with me that these highly visible low life's get so much given to them when people are struggling to put gas in their car to get to their job to earn barely enough money to feed and clothe their children and themselves is really the question. No one wants to ask that question because it would cause such a backlash in the politically correct society we are dying in. If more of these fat cats who have the money and the power would stand up and say no we regular people would have a better chance of being heard instead of ignored for having small world views or being racist or heartless. I'm far from any of those things I believe everyone should be treated fairly and right now that is not even close to happening. It's all about saving face in the media and doing whatever it takes to get the highest ratings in polls or in the radio/tv market.

We are losing our souls to opinions and being force fed the wants of a small minority. The majority would not help these addicts and street people if they could get away without anyone knowing who they were so their livelihood wouldn't be hurt or be personally ruined. The media continues to run their mouths about how society needs to protect this small group of deadbeats and in the realm of things the homeless population is small. Now I want to make one thing clear I'm not against helping a person who wants to clean up and help themselves. I've experienced addiction to drugs in the fact that family members and a couple of friends have struggled with alcohol and substances. My stepfather was an alcoholic for the majority of my youth and by the time my mother left he was still working and living in society. A few years later after a stint with drugs he sobered up and stayed that way for over thirty years. So the excuses I hear all the time are worthless drivel to me and should be to you. Instead of handing a homeless vagrant money to further their addictions say no don't give to any charity that allows these rejects to continue easily in their lazy life choice. It's hard work to be a contribiting member of society so why are we allowing our governments at any level spend money to build housing for people who do not deserve it?

You have the power to say no by voting and protesting these wasteful spending sprees. There is not one reason you can give me that will convince me, a person who chose to rebel against societies norms become a drug addict and criminal should get a nice place to live over a person who struggles to work a low paying job and live in this province that over charges for rental units. It's always the same argument and until the majority of voters stop allowing this ridiculous spending on frivolous media attention grabbing darlings like homelessness it will never change.

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