Monday, October 26, 2009

The Homeless Leech

Victoria has become too fixated on the homeless or as I like to call them useless. I know that is not politically correct but I don't care about being politically correct. People should stand up and yell their bloody heads off about how much time and money is burned on these garbage people. We continuously hear on the news media about what we can do or what the government local or otherwise can do to help these poor souls who need another handout.

The big problem is that these people are never going to be fixed or helped because they choose to live this lifestyle. I don't want to hear about their being poor and don't have jobs and so forth. This starts long before they ever end up on the streets and addicted to drugs. People aren't born in the alley's or under the bridges of our city and grow up as homeless. Most of these people don't want to conform to the norms of society and work a job skilled or unskilled. Of course the media and the industry created out of being homeless doesn't want you to believe that homelessness is a choice.

I grew up in poverty with a single mother who lived most of her life on welfare by choice of course. She was more than capable of getting a job and earning a living but took what she thought was the easy road. She was uneducated by choice, she chose to be a rebel and hangout with white trash when she was young. Bikers and party people where she could coast on her good looks. As with most woman who choose this path she had a child at 17 and I paid for her crappy choices throughout her life. The difference here is that I didn't make those stupid choices repeating her mistakes. Now with that said I could have easily chose to stick a needle in my arm or smoke dope and so forth but I did not.

The majority of homeless people are there because instead of making the better choice they went for the needle or the crack pipe. That was their choice and their choice alone no one made them take drugs. I'm sure many people who are supposed to be in the know will have you believe its not their fault. But when you get down to the core of it all, its a personal choice between the path paved with gold or the path paved with garbage. It's not a hard choice to make and just because some morons make the wrong one I do not have to save them and neither does anyone else.

This city keeps on making excuses and pushing this issue on the citizens of Victoria attempting to extort money from our pockets to support these people. C-Fax and A-Channel are always whinging about the homeless specifically Dave Dixon who seems to have someone on his afternoon show almost daily. I am now at the point of turning the radio station off every afternoon after Joe Easingwood's show is over. Adam is not much better with the amount he's on about how terrible we are treating these people. Somehow we've been forced to allow them to litter our parks with their drug paraphernalia and live in them as well. If you look at how gross the streets around the Our Place freebie hangout are you can't disagree. These disgusting humans leave their garbage everywhere ruining everything around it. I've driven down the street many times and there are usually a whack of strung out addicts laying about or fighting or just doing what they do best sitting on their asses looking for free stuff.

So now we pay extra costs for police to feed a special task force into the area to control the illegal activities going on all around the place. The city has to pay extra for city workers to clean the debris left behind by the vagrants. The business community can't conduct business in a manner to which they deserve because of all the low life humans littering their doorways and sidewalks. I'd like to see how the Oak Bay or Gordon Head municipalities would welcome those roaches. I guarantee that within minutes there would be all kinds of protests against having them take over their clean streets. But Victoria city proper keeps on absorbing the cost well not really they raise taxes and make us all pay instead of growing a pair of balls and dropping the hammer on the heads of this ludicrous junk community called the homeless.

Why has Victoria become the homeless capital of Canada? Well its because they give them everything from shelter to food to drugs yes methadone is a free hit of heroin no matter what the professionals try to sell us. Now the citizens stand up and force the closing of the needle exchange because it was horrendous and disgusting and in my opinion wrong. What happens we get all the hippies and bleeding hearts selling the idea that we need this to be re-opened to support the poor homeless drug addicts. Again spend more money to fix the un-fixable because they are more important than those families who are struggling working two or three jobs to support their families.

The bigger the loser you are the more help you get but if you are remotely decent and contributing positively to your community there is nothing that society can do for you. Those people become invisible because they aren't stealing cars, vandalizing property, camping in parks, attacking people or strung out on drugs and alcohol. Let's not worry about them until they fall through the cracks and become one of the scum bags on the street. In a long winded rant from my soapbox what I am trying to say is that I don't want to see all the tax payers money put forth to feed and house these people. I would like to see it put to a more useful purpose send these unwanted and unneeded scum bags back to their home provinces or towns/cities.

Sure we could keep them and be all nice and keep getting walked all over or stand up and take back our city from the low life's. Why should it be our problem because we have a nice climate and a pretty generous city of people? Stop giving to the charities that spend your money on the homeless leeches of Victoria and give it to your neighbor who's struggling to buy groceries. Take a casserole over to that less fortunate kids family in your child's class. Invite someone for dinner once a month who you might not choose to hangout with all the time. Fix your own neighborhood before you even think about fixing that mess downtown that the media has deemed the most important.

If we shun those people and their behavior they will change that behavior if we accept it and continue to make it a way of life for them it will only continue. Homelessness is a lifestyle choice and it was made by the single person not forced upon them. You can only be oppressed if you choose to be oppressed. These people are not worth helping because they have no interest in helping themselves as that would take hard work something they've lived their lives avoiding. If I offended you that's your problem and you need to deal with that yourself. If you agree with me then get on your damn soapbox and start standing up to these moron's who are stealing our tax money and using it to support drug addicts, alcoholics and criminals otherwise known as homeless people. BTW all you bleeding hearts can kiss my ass!

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