I can't believe how far the BC Government has its head in the ass of the natives here. It seems that the entire games are only about them and no one else. The team Canada hockey jersey has native indian artwork in the maple leaf which makes me fume. I would love to purchase a jersey but I in no way want to wear anything with that ugly art style on it. I'm not being racist or prejudice here I just can't stand their art style.
I find it boring and ugly and I will go one step further I don't want to support anything to do with their culture. The bands are all whining and bitching as loud as they can about anything and everything right now. The BC Liberals as giving in constantly pouring millions of dollars into promoting them and their culture at the expense of every other culture in Canada. I don't see Italian, German, British, Chinese, Korean, Mexican, Japanese, African or Indo Canadian cultural refrences on the merchandising or celebratory customs. To the rest of the world it must look like the only people in BC are Indians.
With that said we can look at the bullshit over the Cowichan Sweaters and how they complained to every news media person and show that would listen about losing a bid. So what does our government do but, force a backdoor deal giving in to the pressure and getting them a deal to have the athletes wear their ugly sweaters. I said ugly and I mean ugly those knitted sweaters are hideous and I don't even like the ones the Bay sell either. So yet again we are forced to give something else to a race of people who don't deserve it.
I mean how much more are Canadians going to give to these people before its finally over? They currently get free reign on the Welfare system with money from their bands and they also don't pay taxes on cigarettes, alcohol, gas and many other things. Most natives pay no income taxes to the BC Government when they do work a real job. It's a total holiday for natives in Canada with the freebies all given under the guise of them not being able to take care of themselves. Now I know that is not true I've got friends and relatives who are natives and they are decent people who get grouped into stereotype to which they do not participate.
The Olympics are about the world not about the native indians of BC. Let's see a little more of everyone and less about the one culture in this country that contributes nearly zero when it comes to money and business. They take far more today than they ever give and that's a fact. I did nothing to your race and I shouldn't have to support it either. Get a job and live a clean life and maybe just maybe the rest of the races in Canada might actually begin to respect you. Instead of bitching, complaining, protesting & waiting for a handout try going to school, contributing to all of society.
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