What the hell is wrong with our justice system and the people who run it? We have murderer's walking away with time served or less than five years for taking lives and ruining families forever. Other assclowns are trying to have pre-trial holding time count as two for one days served. Are you fucking kidding me? How in this country can we give the criminals more compassion and treat them better than the victims of their crimes?
Let's start with the jack ass teen Omar Khadr who left Canada to go and fight with the Taliban in Afghanistan killing a soldier from the United States Of America. Now these ridiculous loud mouths are going to court and trying to force the elected government to fight for him and bring him back to this country which he chose to leave. I don't agree with this at all Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the Canadian Bar Association whining in the camera's of the media and getting all the face time they want with a spin making it look like the Harper led Conservatives are some sort of evil group of racists who won't protect a poor Canadian who was a misled child. That's so far from the truth that its laughable and you should be ashamed if you support the idea of protecting this religious nut bag terrorist in training. That son of a bitch deserves to have his life ended by firing squad. It's got nothing to do with human rights he committed a crime and he should pay the price of that crime. The country to which he's indebted to should choose the payment and that's pretty easy to understand. Many will go on about race, religion and so forth but you know what race and religion are the entire problem and what started the thing in the first place.
Canada has somehow started to take on this ideal of no crime should be punished. We have a whacko who decapitates another mans head with a hunting knife on a bus and he gets time in a mental institution. It's "Oh Poor Guy Is Sick" of course he's sick you bloody jack ass! That crazy bastard should be put down or into a regular cell block and left to survive with the inmates. I don't agree with how he's been given a pass and will be put back into society at some point in the near future once he's medicated and gives the impression he's stable. Funny how its just another slap on the wrist and wagging finger from our court system. The judge on that case should have his license stripped and fired without compensation. He did not uphold the law of this country he let his judgment become influenced by those groups of morons we call bleeding hearts.
Our next case is the Robert Pickton murders now he's almost a fucking hero. He's a total whack job no doubt and he should be put away forever. but the guy took low life hookers, drug addicts off the streets and cleaned up the lower mainland of BC. His actions are still wrong but at least he was choosing victims who were criminals themselves. So he gets convicted of six counts of second-degree murder, what? Second degree murder are you freaking kidding me? That's pre-meditated murder in the first degree and any uneducated moron could tell you that but not our stupid jury on that case. He was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years. So in 25 years he finished his crime don't forget he's getting credit for all the time he's been in jail already waiting for his trial. That's ludicrous in itself the time should not count at all he should begin from day one of 25 years the day he was sentenced. Now let's remember that Justice Williams split the cases up and only tried him for six cases instead of going for all 26 counts where the first degree murder charges would have been the only choice for a jury who had a brain. Now why in the hell didn't the judge sentence him to 25 years times six for one hundred & fifty years to be served consecutively eliminating any chance of Pickton getting out of custody?
Now we can go back to another case in Canada and one that was happening when I was at the age of choice for the serial killer Clifford Olson. Olson alone is a good reason for a reinstatement of the death penalty. He raped and murdered children and because the police in Vancouver were lazy they paid his wife one hundred thousand dollars so Olson would give more information on other victims. You know what they had him already he was done but they gave into the pressure from the families of missing children. I'm sorry for their losses and its absolutely terrible that they had to live through that experience but paying a serial killer for information is wrong. That's black & white in my world and I completely disagree no matter that some families would have been left not knowing where their missing family member was buried. Now Olson lives in jail costing the Canadian tax payers millions of dollars for his special living quarters and guards. Great he's eating well and exercising and enjoying TV and pretty much living a decent life considering what crimes he committed. In the USA he'd be dead long ago which is a fate that inmates would afford him if he was put into regular detention areas of the prison. I'm ok with whatever cards he was dealt by his criminal peers.
To me all I see is Canada becoming a safe house for criminals with how we let all these scum bags get away with minimal punishment. How about that Bacon boy who couldn't see a tv from his cell and didn't like the dirty toilet. Well we can't have a know fuck wad dirt bag like him use a dirty toilet that would be un-Canadian of us all and of course he should be allowed to see the tv from his cell. He needs to keep up on NCIS you know its important. I don't understand how these guys were given bail and allowed to return to their business of murder, human trafficking, drug smuggling and selling. The police know the family is a bunch of criminal dirtbags why haven't they just done their job properly and taken these guys out somewhere dropped with a hunting rifle and let it be over. They do not deserve to be treated fairly they are career criminals not unlike any of the serial murderers in this country. They are probably responsible for more deaths than all of the serial killers in Canada combined. How many people show up dead daily known to police as the media loves to use as a tag line?
As I continue in disgust about how our criminals have more rights than the tax paying citizens you can thank all the rich bleeding hearts out there. They are the reason for the crime rate in this country growing and the drug problems with their trickle down effects. They continue to stop the government from making hardline sentencing or mandatory ones for specific crimes. They fight for these people to live and want to have us welcome them all back into our communities. But if you haven't noticed not their communities the ones that are lower in stature. Take Victoria for example no Oak Bay residents will be opening their arms and welcoming the latest released child rapist into their community but I'm sure a whole shitload of them will be fighting for their release and a place for them to live in Esquimalt or Fernwood. There won't be a halfway house built in Gordon Head but I'm sure one down in Vic West will be funded by residents from Gordon Head and Broadmead.
The educated folks who don't live in the real world are the real problem here. They think they know what is right and because their heads are firmly planted in their asses people like you and I will always continue to be the victims and fodder for the criminals they fight to protect. The only time you see them change their attitude is when one of their own is taken. The last piece of this blog post is about the Reena Virk murder. It's been twelve years since that girl was brutally murdered by a group of her peers. Kelly Ellard is a stuck up little bitch who was a bully and got away with it cuz she was decent looking and popular. She led the group in the swarming she committed the finishing act but our court system keeps on giving her new trials. How in the hell is that remotely right? You can't grant her new trials over and over and expect to find justice for the family of Virk. This case is a cartoon circus that TV writers couldn't have even come up with because its preposterous. It makes me angry everytime I see a story about Kelly Ellard getting some sort of special privileges. That little cunt hasn't even done time for her murderous actions she's been given home arrest and many other things. By the time she gets sentenced in a proper trial she will walk away without actually spending real hard time. It will be a time served suspended sentence and she will have squirmed her way out of ever really going to jail. She was one of the very few who wasn't protected under the young offenders act which should be abolished as all it does is allow younger violent criminals to be anonymous for their crimes. They will become criminals as adults and everyone will wonder how it all happened.
Canada needs to get harsh on crime and take on some of the other world punishment ideals. How about really kicking someones ass so they understand what they did was wrong instead of protecting them and not making them accountable because they had a hard life and it wasn't their fault because mommy was mean to them or daddy wasn't there enough. That's such bullshit and isn't an excuse people know from a young age what is right and what is wrong and if they choose to do the wrong thing then its time for a spanking. The only way to change this horrid injustice we are experiencing in our courts is to vote the Conservatives into a majority government and let Harper's hardline on crime take hold. No more wishy washy justice system more communistic/barbaric justice is what is needed.
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