Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Global Warming Is A Business

I see Global Warming rhetoric on every media outlet in existence. Right now with the joke of a meeting in Copenhagen going on all the eyes and ears on are on what Canada is doing. I believe Canada is doing nothing wrong by standing back and ignoring this stupidity. People who are passionate about climate change have nothing better to do with their time or money. Mostly time since the protesters are broke, unemployed socialist rejects for the most part. The ones who have money are trying to make money using climate change as their business model. "Let's Go Green" is their business battle cry.

Global warming is a farce and over the next few years you will all learn that to be a fact as the world will continue to exist in relatively unchanged conditions. Now I do accept that we can be better world citizens and do something about creating less waste and using nature to create power and clean up the coasts of the world by polluting less. I wouldn't mind seeing a change in that sense where we drove cars that recycled waste into fuel or use solar power to light up our houses. These kinds of things are great and ideas I will support when they are done in an affordable way.

But when world government is telling us that we have to pay money in taxes to eliminate carbon I call bullshit. Carbon trading is not real their is no carbon being eliminated from the planet not one tiny shred. Carbon trading is a small country that pollutes say 10% of their allotted pollution per year can sell their left over allotment to Canada so we can buy their 90% and a few other countries extra carbon space and continue to pollute at the same rate we are today. Nothing changes except now we have to pay extra taxes as citizens of Canada. Those taxes will be massive creating a whole new revenue stream for the government. Now the dumb environmentalists will have you believe that is untrue that this will help save the world from pollution. Al Gore a man I actually liked at one point made a film in which he and its makers were sued my many scientist for being wrongfully quoted in the film. His entire basis for the movie has been proven false by real scientists showing how the movie makers and supporters created false data to make their cause look so much better than it really is in truth.

Over the last couple of years the truth and the real data has been hidden and the scientists who promote against global warming have been called heretics and quacks. As 2009 comes to a close more and more people are starting to look deeper into this bunk and see through the lies. Sure a massive piece of ice breaks away from the arctic and its all over the news media instantly but did they show the ice that formed in less than 24 hours that was twice the size absolutely not! The enviromental extremists tell us the oceans are heating up at an alarming rate. But in the real world its only raised .5 of a degree since 1930. Which isn't significant at all considering the size of the worlds oceans. Now there are folk out there that also look at how the axis of the earth has moved and that we are spinning in a more straight up & down position which would make everything change because the entire earth would be spinning around the sun at a near equal angle. But of course that is voodoo the axis isn't changing at all and those who believe we might be working towards a polarity flip are just crazy. I happen to think its possible and those forward thinking people are the ones who we should listen carefully to as in the end they are mostly correct.

The nutty protesters who yell, scream and march only see one side of the issue they are the ones who don't want us to cut trees down or build large buildings add infinum. They usually don't know their asses from the heads because they are so angry with rage. It's a sport they are the rabid fans who want their side to win and nothing short of complete and utter success is unacceptable. More often than not once their brains start to work in a normal manner and they have to work a job to survive or raise a family they see past their noses and realize how ridiculous they've been become the recycling nut who lives nextdoor. Which in turn has another customer buying into the business of global warming.

The entire go green sales pitch has infiltrated every aspect of life from clothing to food. Let's buy organic locally grown produce and meats is one idea I do agree with wholeheartedly. I like the idea of supporting the farmers in my community and I prefer to buy produce and meat that isn't full of chemicals. Sure I still buy food with junk added to it because I'm a real person who lives in the real world. You can't be perfect and I wouldn't want to be as it would make me miss out on some of my favorite things. But when I hear the heating oil company telling me about their environmentally friendly furnace oil I laugh. Then you get the whole bio fuel concept which is expensive and worse for the whole movement. They want to take corn out of the food stocks and make gasoline. So in turn we still pay massive amounts for gas and now we pay even more to eat some corn that hasn't been stolen to become fuel for our cars. But it will help solve the global warming issue and I say sure it will because once we start using our food growing power to make enough bio fuel people will die off from starvation. But as long as we march the falsehood forward and keep making people believe in the money making scheme its acceptable.

Another ridiculous falsehood is the fund raising aspect in the guise of global warming. How the poor polar bears are starving because we are killing the environment. No one talks about how there is one hundred times the amount of polar bears living in that habitat now. Of course the damn animals are skinny there is way too many of them living in a relatively small feeding area needing tons of food to survive in the manner they once did. But with the environmentalists screaming the natural hunting practices of polar bears has been made illegal or inhumane. But since 1940 the polar bear numbers are over one hundred times higher than they were. If anything global warming hasn't effected is the numbers of that species. My new favorite lie is how global warming works both ways now when its super cold it's still the effects of global warming creating the coldness. Twenty years ago we were moving into another ice age but suddenly that movement lost customers so they went the other way. It's easier to market this product and it can be made way more scary.

If we as humans are doing anything it's the drilling and digging we do messing up the plates and sturdiness of the land. We dig all the coal out of the ground making miles deep tunnels but expect to have no earthquakes. We drill miles into the ocean and wonder why their are quakes out in the oceans. I believe that is more harmful than driving a car around Victoria. The oil companies aren't going to stop drilling to make an impact to stop global warming. The power companies aren't going to stop mining coal so really why should anyone try to do more than recycle our waste and consume? That question is easily answered we shouldn't there is no way your little contributions in a lifetime will ever make a difference when big business wants to sell you the product of global warming. But making those choices that have a direct impact on your personal life like eating food with as little chemical impact as possible and recycle your waste and maybe even consider a compost in the backyard is the only impact your insignificant life will ever contribute to the change and that alone is still buying into the whole global warming game.

As I said before global warming is a farce the proof is available if your willing to open your mind and look past your personal feelings on the subject.

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