Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Merge: When Humans Cram Their Heads Straight Up Their Ass

One of the things drivers have to do on a daily basis but still to this day have such great difficulty in succeeding at completing in a manner that is acceptable. I drive a route that has merges in both directions and for some reason people believe that if they drive an inch from the bumper of the car in front of them in the left lane they will get to where ever they are going so much sooner than the people in the right lane that is ending. The traffic merge is very intricate and complicated and really shouldn't be done without many years of training and practice.

The concept of a zipper being done up is how I like to look at the left lane leaves space for the ending right lane and they take turns one from left goes and then the next car merges from the right lane into the left one and then another car from the left lane keeps going and behind him is the merging right lane car just like the zipper you do up each day on a piece of clothing. Now I'm sure I've boggled the minds of many people and maybe even blown a few of your minds as well. This terribly difficult task that can't be achieved successfully by 99% of the assclowns on the road due to their large egos and need to be 1 second ahead in traffic is an unbelievable conundrum.

If you do as I have described and leave that space for the merging lanes cars you won't have to slow down to a near stop because the traffic would flow like a river and everyone would get to where they are going much quicker. When you drive in the left lane and squeeze the right lane out you are the dill hole who makes everyone slowdown which creates the backup. Now another thing that you people who are driving on roads that might have a merging lane. Don't stop your car and turn on your signal before the merge lane ends. I know that you think if you try to get into that left lane long before your right lane ends you can feel like you've won the lottery and then you get to squeeze out those SOB's in that dreaded ending lane. You stay in the bloody right lane and you 'DO NOT' change lanes or merge until you get to the end of that right lane. That's the rule and you are a tool if you can't pull this off.

So now you know how to merge from the ending right lane and you know how to act while in the left lane I would like to see you drivers practice this when the very next opportunity presents itself. If you have read this post it would be in your best interest to pass it on to everyone who drives a car or might be driven in a car or could even become drivers in the future. Maybe it will save you an hour or two one day in that backed up traffic that those testosterone filled jackasses who can't figure out the zipper concept because their pea sized brains and short penises drive them to the epitome of stupidity each time they get behind the wheel of a car. Not saying this is a male only issue woman are just as guilty and those elderly drivers well there isn't much we can do about them but lets hope if they read this their failing memory can at least grasp this concept and they will follow the path laid out in front of them. Most woman who do this in traffic are bitches in most aspects of their lives because nice woman are too polite to cut people off purposefully. The ones who think they are perfect little princess and better than everyone else (and you know who you are cuz your getting pissy about this as you read) will never be reached until they cause an accident which will of course not be their fault.

Happy Merging!

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