I don't understand why some people feel the need to ruin everybody's fun by acting like a jackass. I speak of a complete asshole who attends my trivia games. In his world, very small world as well he thinks my game designed by me should only have categories that he's knowledgeable about. It's pretty obvious that I would not cater to him as I don't cater to people I like none the less jerks I don't. Tonight was another night with him complaining about the categories but that's fine you can't win em all. The part that really pissed me off was how he starts beaking off about how I pick the winners before the game starts. He continues further by telling a potential team that I am corrupt and fix the out come.
So now this potential team doesn't play and has been handed a negative idea about me, the establishment in which I'm working and the game. All because he doesn't get to dictate his ideas and control my game trivia show. I call him on it and all of sudden he starts back peddling and telling me its me not him and why am I so mean. Typical reaction of a coward who doesn't have the balls to back up his actions. I'm not talking about physical fighting I'm talking about proof of his accusations. He doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to me being corrupt. I help all teams at some point whether it be a hint or a straight up answer. It's part of being a good host and keeping people who might not be having a good game interested and hopefully they will return because they enjoyed themselves.
See a big part of this morons actions is because he's socially awkward with one of those know it all personalities. I will admit the asshole is smart he knows stuff and is a pretty well rounded player but his mouth continually gets him in trouble. I am not one to back down and be politically correct I admit to calling him out everytime he makes a shitty comment. I've gone past the point of good educate I say that honestly. Long before the game has started he's accused me of cheating/fixing the game for a team who beats his team on a regular basis as they are a pretty strong team. Then he goes on with a few more insults and how I am not fair as I pick category topics he doesn't like or may not be good at and I do so to make sure his nemesis team will be successful. Funny thing is that I actually enjoy a lot of music styles/genres from oldies and standards to modern rock and pop/dance music of today.
It seems that if a song is from 1990 through today it's there for the evil purpose of helping one team win which isn't his. If the guy could open his eyes and see past his nose he would notice that 75% of players are under 35. So he whines loudly that the game is fixed in an attempt to make me look bad when categories like Modern Rock, Millennium Music or anything about newer movies or TV shows is in the game. He bitches that the last couple of games didn't have a round with music only from the 1970's his favorite decade of music. Well funny thing is that if I look back throughout the entire history of games played at this location there are 9 games of 42 played that do not have a 70's category as part of the game. So in reality there are many more weeks where the category is in play than it is not. But throughout the other music categories there are many 70's songs included in the game. This week 29 clips throughout all the categories were from the 70's but the game was slanted against his team again. Another member of their team who's so competitive also pouts when the game isn't in her comfort zone. Albeit she's not as much of jackass as the male (well appears to be male) on her team. There are two other members of this same team who are decent people that don't bitch or complain for the most part. The other male is a great guy who sadly plays on this team of complainers.
I could hand any team the game at anytime if I truly wanted to but I don't cheat because I don't like it when it happens to me and its happened on occasion when I've gone to play other people's music trivia game. I had people complaining I shouldn't be allowed to play because I have my own game-show and its not fair. I call bullshit as I had no hand in creating said game I participated funny enough with members from the whiners team but didn't not include the loudmouth I spoke of earlier. I also was the person who answered the final question correctly and won the game for the team in that tourny. I also didn't contribute a lot to the team as I'm not the all knowing master of everything like the loudmouth jackass. I just happened to know the answer to a question in which no other member of my team could answer.
Anyway this is more about how some people can't handle it when the sun doesn't shine out their ass and they are told it doesn't. If I was to give in and do as they want I'd never hear a complaint but I will never do that and I don't care if they don't like it. Hell my friends who play the game and are the target of conspiracy don't like every single category and they aren't knowledgeable in some of the topics they don't complain they just choose stuff they have a chance at and hope for the best. One of the nicest teams in the room and easily the one who spends the most in the pub week to week have barely won but I've never heard them make these accusations. Probably because they know its a crap shoot as to what will be in the game week to week. Two of their members are indie rock enthusiasts who don't very often get their favorite style of music included in the game. They never complain about that and I don't think they would considering they are polite and well mannered.
Tonight I actually am so fed up with how disruptive this assclown has been I made a request to have him banned from coming to trivia for awhile. I don't want him to be allowed to come and disrupts the game with his continuous complaining. I mean tonight they were ahead by 85 points at the final round and this tool is yelling I want a recount we should have more points. Ahead as in winning at that point and he's still bitching about something. People like him are never satisfied and can't be wrong. Let's point out here as well when you tell him he's answered wrong he has a hissy fit and tells me I have the wrong answer. Of course I have had the wrong answer now and again I'm not perfect but this clown is never wrong. He's even complained about other people's strategic moves in the game after he's been purveyor of the same move. One in particular that he and another member of his team were the first to pull off. The move is within the guidelines of the game and is a little mean spirited but fair and allowable.
He's also left during head to head rounds and gone back to his table because he wasn't winning. That happened twice during a round called the Line Up where he was a wussy pouter. He seems to think that his actions carry some sort of weight and that he will get his way by escalating his garbage talk but so far all its done is piss me off who's the creator and host of the game. If he's allowed to remain by the owner and continue to play I will deduct 10 points everytime he pulls one of his bullshit moments and I will make that rule and call it after him. I will make it so his team is punished by his behaviour and accusations until they either kick him off their team or he doesn't come back ever again. The guy barely spends any real money in support of the pub nor does his team usually. They are the type who looks over the categories and if they think they can win on a given night they spend just enough so that the prize covers their bill. But are always willing to point out if any other team doesn't spend lots of money. Just another negative thing they do not to mention how they quietly and always behind the backs of other players feed negative comments to other teams so the other players think badly of one another.
I hear it all the time and I've watched it happen with a couple members of the nice team who now think poorly of a team who I am friends with and really have no idea of the kind of people they are in the real world. It's sad that they can't see past that garbage to realize the team feeding them the shit are the real douches and are only out for themselves. I understand its a game and winning is nice but having fun is more important and considering how belligerent they are continuously becoming week after week it's time for a change to be made and that change is already in play. I know what categories are in next weeks game as it's already finished and long since been finished but I'm sure if they don't win next week I will be accused yet again of fixing the game. If that happens I will disqualify this team and I don't care if I offend them or piss them off. It's just too bad that the nice guy on their team will get hosed along with them. He doesn't deserve it but maybe he will stand up and call them on their ridiculous bullshit and bring them to a realization that coming to play trivia is entertainment and not a life changing event.
GAME ON FOLKS! My brother inlaw calls me Satan for a reason, I shall show my true red colour!
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