I don't have a problem with people having a family no matter how much they earn but when your devastatingly poor and can't feed yourself why are you procreating and adding to strife? This is my issue and part of the reason I don't believe that sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Haiti will make any difference. Sure a bunch of religious organizations will jump in there but not to help but to spread their cult into the Haitian society. Red Cross will be there for awhile doing their part but in a very short time Haiti will be yesterdays news. North America will have a major influx of un-educated Haitians living as illegal immigrants working underground jobs or in the sex trade and drug trafficking industries. So instead of just doing the right thing and rescuing the survivors and giving some medical attention to the injured we are now going to rebuild their country for them. I ask what the hell does this teach these people? Nothing they can just go right back to screwing like rabbits, spreading disease to one another, building shit shacks because its easy. You will never change this society no matter how much money you throw at them and they will always be a welfare state for the world to have to look after.
I don't want to be the adopted parent of Haiti making sure they have enough money at the expense of my own country. I don't believe those people are better or worse than Canadians I just can't believe the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid that is going there and the US, Canada, England, Australia and the rest of the richer countries of the world couldn't give a shit about New Orleans when you compare the reactions. In a civilized country and one of the richest countries in the world the reaction time was awful in New Orleans. In Haiti they had responded almost instantly and the world jumped right in to help. I am appalled and disgusted by this which shows how badly our priorities as a nation are skewed in the wrong direction. Just because Haiti is a poor country everyone feels compelled to help them poor souls. New Orleans is in the US so its not important is how it looks to me. New Orleans is still a mess and its a crime and disease infested wasteland that should be more important to the country of which it sits inside than an island nation that does not.
Foreign aid is also spent protecting places like Afghanastan and Iraq, countries that hate us for just being different than them. They are religious zealots who believe its more important to murder innocent people to further their stupid religious beliefs than to live their own lives. But what does the world do go there and protect them from themselves even though they don't want us to do so. I know that as soon as the military pulls out of those crap countries of the world they will go right back to what they were doing before we interfered. Canada loses military serviceman regularly to a cause that in the end is nothing more than corporate greed. The only reason the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan was because they couldn't get the pipeline through to further their oil exploits. People can argue all they want about the reasons but America didn't have a natural enemy in the world any longer and they without an enemy can't fund the military. So at this point with a warring Republican president waiting to take office officially the entire terrorist or culture of fear was born. I'm not saying George Bush and his criminals/staff organized 911 but they had the information and they chose to ignore it. Then once that happened poof America has exactly what they needed to quantify massive spending budgets for military machinery.
Dick Cheney was chairman and CEO of the Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000 which is an oilfield services corporation with operations in more than 70 countries. This is the biggest corporate welfare deal in history considering how the company alongside Bush and Cheney profited from the attacks and the subsequent invasion of Iraq along with Afghanistan. More government money propping up corporations. Now we have the economic crash of 2008/2009 and here comes the government again at the expense of the tax payers. The US gave corporate welfare to automobile companies, insurance companies, lending firms and banks. But did the horrendous living conditions in rural Kentucky or Michigan or the disgusting areas of Los Angeles and those burrows in New York that look like a war had ripped through them get any money invested into them, NO! They are still the exact same as they were but the government is more than willing to continue spending money on helping out the people who caused the economic crash. Canada is exactly the same we've given millions to GM and so forth all of which will never come back to the people who've been robbed by these mismanaged corporations for generations.
Some how Canada deems it more important to protect the rich corporations from paying for their bad business decisions than taking care of the deteriorating education system, medical system and infrastructure that is everywhere across the country. Somehow the crisis in Haiti is also more important than all of the issues we have in our own country as well. The government can find one hundred and thirty million dollars instantly but I didn't see them find fifteen million to fund the arts in British Columbia last year. The BC government is bringing in the HST tax which is just another tax added to already taxes currently in place. We pay sales tax and GST about five times on everything we purchase in this province. When the GST first came into practice it was a hidden tax included in the price of everything at the retail level but what happened was retailers and wholesalers started charging the tax over top of itself which in turn gained them a profit so the prices all went up six percent when the GST came because of everyone having it included in their price but the rouse is that people started to put plus GST on everything shortly after showing the tax after their prices already included the six percent mark up. It was an easy scam and raised the cost by twelve percent on all products it was allowed to be charged against.
Now with all the corporate welfare and foreign aid being handed out we as citizens will pay more taxes to cover the money handed out that never comes back. Corporate welfare is something that isn't new to the economy and you can look at the oil companies and banks over the past fifty years. The Royal Bank of Canada doesn't pay taxes on their profits and have had a deferred tax status hidden away for years. Oil companies have all sorts of subsidies to hide their tax exemption and some pretty creative ones I must say. The best part of this is another major kick in the teeth called Free Trade. Free Trade is not what it was packaged and sold to be the whole thing is so major banks and corporations can move money daily so they don't show a massive profit which would be taxed on paper and in plain sight of us regular folks. Corporate Welfare and Foreign Aid is just another way of the governments of the world to act like mobsters and pirates in a semi legal manner. The period from 1982 and 2006 which spanned the terms of seven prime ministers – the federal government authorized $18.4 billion in grants, contributions, concessional financing and other forms of federal assistance. The biggest beneficiaries were Pratt & Whitney ($1.5 billion), Bombardier ($745 million) and General Motors ($360 million). But the list of recipients included everything from a manufacturer of artificial heart valves to a golf course developer.
Since the late '90s, when the federal deficit was eliminated, Industry Canada has dispensed an average of $1 billion a year. "These programs are a sinkhole for tax dollars," said John Williamson, the advocacy group's federal director. "They serve neither business nor taxpayers and should be scrapped."The 30-page report – with an 809-page appendix listing all subsidies – is an impressive piece of research. But it has spawned no outrage. In fact, it has barely attracted any attention at all. Nor is it likely to find a political champion.
Stéphane Dion has already indicated that a Liberal government would use both subsidies and tax incentives to move Canada toward a sustainable economy."We have to make the right investments now as a nation to ensure that we all have access to secure, efficient and reasonably priced energy sources in the future, that are environmentally friendly," he told his party and the public during his leadership campaign. As for NDP Leader Jack Layton, whose party once reviled Big Business, he is in favour of using taxpayers' money to change corporate behaviour. He advocates shifting subsidies from oil and gas extraction to renewable energy, for example. He even proposes financial assistance to the auto industry to develop fuel-efficient cars."Environmentally sustainable new industries and new technologies will be the cornerstone of 21st-century job creation," he told party loyalists in Vancouver at a rally.
So as I stated above the new handouts will be all lathered with words like sustainability, renewable, clean, green, environmentally friendly, carbon neutral and so forth to a point of vomit inducing. We are coming out of the global warming fake out and moving full tilt into the ideal of green renewable energy being non polluting and better for the environment. As the truly smart people on this planet already know Global Warming is a FARCE. But there are those beggers and hangers on that will fight for the cause until their dead. If you think Corporate Welfare and Foreign Aid are bad now just wait until all the new changes come to light in the next couple of years. Your going to be paying a few dollars more for everything to cover the Haiti earthquake the BC taxpayers will be paying for the Olympics which is running around 400 million so far and that a whole other aspect of corporate welfare that is stealing from everyone in the country but mostly British Columbians. Just remember your corporate welfare/foreign aid bill is $15,126.00 for every Canadian who filed and paid taxes between 1994 and 2007. You Welfare tab will grow in subsequent years by the time Finanace and Statistics Canada can collect and report all the data. Anyone who thinks a single job is saved or created because a government shifts auto sector jobs from Toyota to General Motors is deluding themselves.
Here’s one last number with which I will try and defy the Bailey aphorism on figures. While every government is responsible for corporate welfare, consider this easy-to-understand comparison: federal red ink. The 13-year bill for corporate welfare is equivalent to about 40 per cent of our $500-billion federal debt. Maybe someday we Canadians will stop following the mistakes of the past and present and truly look at fixing our own yard before bailing out corporations who don't care about the people and spending foreign aid to fix countries that cannot be fixed and won't fix themselves.