Friday, July 23, 2010

Affirmative Action Is A Joke

Now the real question is this ‘who would you trust most to save your life a racial minority that might only have their job as a surgeon in the hospital because they were black or some other race other than Asian or Caucasian, who you can be damn sure earned their position by achievement?’ Obviously you will choose the Caucasian surgeon or the Asian surgeon because both would have done all the work to get the job.

In the US and Canada we are forced to hire a certain amount of racial minorities to round out our companies and in turn are forced to hire second rate employees because we might not have the proper amount of token
s to make the small interest groups happy. Now I don't care about race and honestly I think folks of all races are able to perform up to standard and no one race is greater than the other. But if I was to have a large office or staff and I had to choose between a Caucasian guy who was obviously the best candidate or an East Indian person who was almost as good I'd choose the Caucasian guy. But I would probably choose the person who fit the office on a social level best as well. So if I had cool guy show up who wasn't the best at the specific job but would be a better team player and fit in with my current staff I'd choose them no matter their race.

If some Caucasian showed up dressed like a hippie with dreads I wouldn't hire him/her no way no how. I think that people who dress like that wouldn’t fit in to my personal company. I don't like the lifestyle that type of dress signifies and so, I'd hire a completely different person. I judge everyone by how they dress and act as everyone will judge me the same way or discount me for being overweight. Nobody wants to hire a fat guy or girl to work for them but affirmative action doesn't dictate that you have to hire a Jew, Fat Chick, Bald Guy, Blind Girl, Disabled Person or an alcoholic. But it does tell me I have to hire a Black, Indian, East Indian, Asian and so forth. I find that ridiculous and have stated why previously.

Getting a job based on the colour of your skin signifies that you’re not good enough to have earned the job which puts an unfair judgment onto all minorities which are really not minorities any longer. Affirmative action produces no concrete benefits for minority students in universities or colleges and actually has several harmful effects, according to a new report by the Cato Institute. "Recent research shows that college admissions preferences do not offer even the practical benefits claimed by their supporters," writes Marie Gryphon, a lawyer and policy analyst with the Cato Institute's Center for Educational Freedom.

Political scientist Jay Green found that only 20 percent of African-American students and 16 percent of Hispanics leave high school with the minimum credentials. "Minority underrepresentation in college is caused by public schools' failure to prepare minority students," writes Gryphon. "It is a failure that affirmative action does not remedy." Preferences also do not increase the earning power of students who attend more selective schools as a result of affirmative action. Recent research shows that when equally prepared students are compared, those attending less selective schools make as much money as those from more selective schools.

Of course racial quotas hurt minorities. Anytime you lower the bar and standards for a certain group of individuals, you’re not doing them a favor. It’s also insulting to assume that the only way the group is going to succeed is if you establish a different and less difficult set of rules just for them. In the end; What affirmative action means to me, is when I see a minority professional person, I always wonder are they really best qualified for their job, or were they moved to the head of the line, over more qualified people, based solely on the fact that they are not Caucasian. If I need major surgery, I want the best qualified doctor available, not the one that makes everyone giddy with political correctness.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

8 The Mormon Proposition

I just watched the film 8 The Mormon Proposition and even though I am not an American and thank goodness of that I am disturbed at how easily the church was able to extort money from their faithful and buy a political process. This film is about same sex marriage in California and how the LDS church paid illegally to promote a political action which is criminal in the state. I am very bothered by how religious groups tell their followers lies constantly and make the people believe they are absolute truths. Anyone with a brain that works knows that the bible is hooey. Sure the book might have some truth in its stories but c'mon no woman gets pregnant without sexual contact or having male semen inserted into their vagina. Never has anyone been able to part a bowl of water let alone a sea and the ridiculous supernatural ideal that a person dead and buried rose up and lived again.

Three of the major stories are all supernatural at heart fables told by illiterates too many years ago to really matter. Being gay is not a sickness and it isn't curable and shouldn't be taught that it is. I am not gay I do not promote homosexual propaganda and I have a huge problem with the insatiable need to sell homosexual as a product. I also will not support any cause that would hurt a gay person and treat them unfairly. Some of the greatest people in history were most likely homosexual. Pirates used to bring young men along on their ships sit them on greased up poles and use them for sex. Now were all sailors gay probably not but that was a norm at one time.

Mormon's torture and brainwash in a Hitler type way anyone who is considered sick with gayness. They do this in disguise of a cure for homosexuality and deny it all. We know that they continue to use these tactics but keep it underground. Faithful people who tell you how wonderful and right Jesus is and God is have no problem kicking you to the curb if you question the leader of their cult. I say this all the time and I am sure I offend my friends and family but all organized religions are cults. Maybe they are not Satanic cults or Military cults but they are still cults. They want you to blindly believe in whatever they tell you.

The Mormon's have powerful leaders called prophets that supposedly are spoken to by God. Now how dumb are you people out there to actually fall for that crap? If God existed she would be fucking angry with how she's been made out to be a man first of all. Why would I consider God to be a woman you might ask well I'm a man and I know we couldn't come up with the confusing bullshit that makes up a woman's thought pattern. Men are straight forward and fairly uncomplicated and wouldn't make their counterpart smarter, more mature and complex than himself so...your God would be a woman dumbass.

The church of all major religions have become taken over by crazy power hungry people. As we all know absolute power corrupts absolutely and this has come true with all religious leaders. Religion is a powerful control tool and it is used by the elite to control the masses for many years. I'm am not religious and I will never accept the asinine stories that are read from the big black book of death. You can believe in your fantasy land in the sky and the one under the ground I'm ok with that but when you use it to control me I will always stand up against you. I am not a believer nor a hypocrite and I don't have to accept anyone's religious belief's just because you allow yourself to be a follower doesn't mean I can't speak out against it.

I love how people always tip-toe around the devout when they are speaking about religion or doing something based in religion so you don't offend them. They can outwardly speak about church and groups and their assumptions of reality but we are not allowed to tell them to shut up or tell them its stupid. If I was to start talking about anything against their faith I'm instantly labeled in a negative manner. Rude, dumb, uneducated and so forth for not believing but they can believe in all these supernatural things like, one being created the entire planet and solar system. Not possible but if you have faith and just accept whatever your being told without malice well then your good. I will admit religion is great fodder for making Sci-Fi TV shows and movies and its great for making horror films and the like. As an entertainment media it does have a lot of value but as a life long path it costs way to much money.

Watch the movie and see for yourself and this isn't just a one off incident it is what religious organizations do everyday. They promote their word and what each specific leaders agenda is at the time. All church's are exactly the same in the end no matter how they get you there the end is control and money. I would like to see all religions and church's pay taxes on their income as they are corporations looking for a profit as much as Wal-Mart and Cost-Co. So to the Mormon church and their stupid faithful I'd like say "FUCK YOU". They are almost as dirty and greasy as the Evangelists are in America and they are as disgusting as all Muslims.