Monday, October 29, 2012

Sometimes Canada Really Sucks!

Since Canada finally got rid of wheat cartel (know as wheat board to most) we need to get rid of the dairy cartel and the media cartel as well. Canada can't have access to all the media streaming services available because of our blessed CRIA where we pay a huge amounts to get media.

The dairy cartel allow for dairy farmers to be lazy and have a 100 cows on their farm costing them huge money and making little profits with subsidies instead of doing like the rest of the world specifically New Zealand and actually make the farmers run their business in a way that is most cost effective, profitable and productive. New Zealand is the world’s largest butter exporter and accounts for about 44% of all traded butter. New Zealand is also an important exporter of skim and whole milk powders, contributing about 27% and 38%, respectively, of world trade. While Canada’s milk production has failed to grow since the 1970s, the other countries examined experienced growth after reducing their own interventionist policies. For example, U.S. dairy policy evolved from supports that established the price of milk to a more liberalized system. Meanwhile, U.S. milk production has grown steadily since the mid-1970s. Not to mention how much waste we produce because of the trade controls forces us to pay around $5.00 for a jug of milk and that's about 50% higher than we should be paying because of the ridiculous trade practices and protectionism of the so called dairy board.

This is just like the licensing fees for music, movies and tv not to mention online radio which are about 47% of the profits plus other fees. How long can the idiots from CRIA continue to spin this entire blame piracy bullshit as the reason why we can't have unrestricted content from cool services like Netflix, Google Music, Hulu, Pandora and all the other heinously restricted and blocked media content providers. Maybe if they stopped charging these companies huge fees for Canadian access and being backed by our assholes in Ottawa pushing this ridiculous tactic people would adopt these services into their lives for media consumption. I'd love to have access to unrestriced music services and I'd have no trouble paying a couple of dollars for them either.

I'd buy milk and cheese from Canada by choice if the dairy board/cartel was scrapped and their was imported milk and other dairy products on the store shelves as long as they participated in a little price competition. Cheese does not need to cost $9.00 for a brick but it does because of the tariffs that are placed upon the competition and the price setting for the products disguised as protecting the Canadian farmers from losing the market to imported goods. Let's be honest this is a welfare system for no one but the dairy board and on the other end CRTC and CRIA. We need to start looking into who are the polititians who are against these groups and put them into power and send Ottawa people who aren't afraid of competition and like innovative people that can grow markets and make money for the ecconomy just not lining their pockets for acting like mobsters.

If we continue down this path you will never see big time Canadian start ups like Google, Netflix or others come from Canada because the people who wish to be great are constantly stopped by these sort of government agencies that lie, cheat and steal to keep themselves in a job that is unnecessary in 2012. If other countries can compete with one another and be successful why can't we be part of that and enjoy some of these profits and successes? CRIA and Canadian Dairy Board don't want you to because that spells the end of their golden goose laying eggs for them and that is why I say it and I believe it "Sometimes Canada really sucks!"

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